Is your child or teen struggling in school?
Whatever the concern may be, a comprehensive assessment will highlight your child’s unique strengths and identify underlying areas of concern to inform educational and treatment planning.
Psychoeducational Assessments
BTB specializes in comprehensive psychoeducational assessments tailored to create a holistic understanding and individualized plan for your child. Assessments at BTB are comprehensive and intentionally created to identify the needs of your school age child or teen without putting them through unnecessary or lengthy administrations.
Psychoeducational evaluations seek to assess a student’s cognitive skills and academic achievement, as well as socio-emotional and behavioral functioning to determine their learning style, identify barriers to school success, and to develop a personalized educational/treatment plan. Many families utilize our assessments, in collaboration with their child’s school, to determine appropriateness or eligibility for special education services, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan. We also tailor reports, planning, and advocacy for private or charter school learning or behavior support plans. Testing at BTB involves an intake process, on-site testing, electronic rating forms, behavioral observations (as needed), comprehensive report with individually tailored treatment/educational plans, and a feedback session. Most importantly, BTB also offers developmentally appropriate feedback sessions for your child to learn about their strengths, find language to advocate for their needs, and to build self-esteem. Need additional support after the evaluation during your child’s IEP meetings? We can help.
The initial intake and subsequent feedback session are conducted from the convenience of your home via our secure telehealth platform. For your ease, parent and teacher rating forms are also completed electronically from home or school and the testing itself is completed on-site in a single day to reduce the amount of time your child is removed from school.
Is your child having difficulties keeping up with expectations in school? Are you curious about whether your pre-school aged child is prepared to start school? With extensive experience in both school and clinical settings, BTB specializes in evaluations for school aged children who may be experiencing difficulties in the following areas:
School Readiness
Reading - including difficulties with decoding, phonemic awareness, phonological processing, fluency, and comprehension
Writing - including difficulties with formal writing skills (spelling, mechanics, organization of thoughts/written material), and handwriting
Mathematics - including difficulties with basic math computation, fluency, and problem solving
Disruptive behavior impacting school or home functioning
Attention, Concentration, Hyperactivity, and Executive Functioning
Test or Performance Anxiety
Coping with stressors, adjustment to change, or difficulties with peer interactions
Memory - including difficulties with short-term working memory or long-term retrieval
Navigating school with chronic or complex medical needs
Early enrollment/enrichment opportunities
High Intellect/Gifted Learners
At BTB, evaluations are typically used to help you decide how to best meet the educational needs of your child in the school setting or to help make decisions about school placement. Additionally, evaluation results can help support whether your child or adolescent may benefit from accommodations for standardized testing, including the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), ACT College Readiness Test, Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Gifted Program Placement or for school entrance exams.
Neurodevelopmental Assessments
BTB also specializes in more targeted diagnostic assessment. Do you or your pediatrician have concerns about your child’s development, behavior, or functioning? BTB specializes in diagnostic assessments for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disabilities, and Learning Disorders. Diagnostic assessments from a clinical psychologist utilize reliable and valid tools to determine crucial diagnostic information that grants your child access to more targeted supports. By creating an individualized map and developmental profile of your child’s strengths and areas in need of support, we are then able to provide a tailored plan that promotes your child’s development and growth, as well as necessary referrals if needed (i.e., Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, ABA services, Physical Therapy).